About KC

Was KC real?  Yes.  KC was our family dog and my best friend from 2004-2017.

What kind of dog was KC? We are not sure…a mix, mostly terrier.  The best answer is an Anointed Doggie of Faith.

What made KC special?  Some dogs are cuddlers.  Some dogs are athletes. KC was an adventurerer. She lived each day with great expectation of being surprised, delighted and challenged by the world around her. She was bold and beautiful, cute and confident, curious and courageous. She did not wait for life to come to her; she went after life with a passion.

What did KC like the most? Going bye bye car with the windows down.  She also loved to run—fast!

What did KC like the least?  Like most of us, KC did not like being left alone. Also thunderstorms, fireworks and blinky yellow lights.

What did KC like to eat?  KC was a carnivore —beef, still mooing (rare). Good thing Papa owned a meat shop.

What was KC’s favorite treat? Hershey’s Kisses (bad for dogs), cream cheese, Sonic Ice Cubes.

Was KC friendly? To her family, yes.  To strangers, the terrier in KC preferred to be known as fierce rather than friendly.  Only her pack was allowed to pet her.  Those were her boundaries.

Did KC ever get into trouble? At home, KC was smart and well behaved. If she did do something wrong, she knew it almost immediately and self-corrected.  But whilst on adventure, her priority was to explore and engage rather than to come when I called. When she did decide to return, I always welcomed her and never scolded because I wanted her to know that coming back was a good thing.

Where is KC now?  In heaven, waiting for me to join her on new adventures.

Do you miss her? Yes, but I enjoy remembering because we lived abundantly. What a gift.

What are your favorite Bible verses? 
Joshua 1:9—“Be strong and courageous, for I am with you wherever you go.” You cannot live a life of faith and do the impossible without God and courage.  Faith is spelled RISK.  God promises He will never leave you or forsake you.  He will do His part.  What about you?

Hebrews 11:6—“Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for those who come to God must not only believe that He exists, but that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  God is always good and He is always an extravagant rewarder of those who pursue and please Him.  This revelation is vital and necessary in order to be and to do like Jesus, especially when things are tough.

Romans 12:1-2—“Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, perfect and acceptable will of God.”

Shining requires that we learn the way that pleases God and do it rather than the way that seems right to us or the world.  Knowing God, doing good to others and pleasing God. This is shining.

Thank you for allowing KC and me to be a part of God’s dream for your life.  Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom.” Don’t just believe your faith but pursue it and do it with passion so that you shine like Jesus. Watch God show up and enjoy the journey.  This is our prayer for you.

--S.M. Hefling